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Lifting Prayers. Building Dreams.
Versión en Español abajo 👇🏼
Following the path of the heart and the guidance of the spirit, we have had the privilege of sharing the sacred medicines of the earth for almost a decade on the slopes of Mount Ilaló. Nearly a thousand people from 41 different nationalities (Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, Lithuania, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Romania, Australia, Cuba, Lithuania, Morocco, Paraguay, Sweden, Kuwait) have experienced an authentic and honest encounter with these master plants in a ceremonial context, receiving therapeutic and professional guidance.
Throughout the years, we have welcomed our visitors in improvised camps, using teepees, tents, and tarps. However, today life gives us the opportunity to build a true temple: a "Maloka", following the traditional architecture of ceremonial medicine houses, made of wood. Through donations from loved ones and the pruning of trees at risk of falling, we have gathered all the necessary wood for this long-awaited project.
The "Maloka" will be a sacred space designed to accommodate groups of people, providing them with the necessary comfort to live their healing processes in the best possible way. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to complete this significant project, which includes the structure, roofing, sanitary facilities, and surrounding gardens.
From the sacred mountain of Ilaló, we call upon all directions to receive the loving contribution needed to manifest this ceremonial home, a space of service for all. Join us in the construction of this place of healing and encounter, where hearts open, and dreams come true. Together, we lift prayers and build a brighter future.
Join Our Dream of Unity and Transformation!
You have the opportunity to be part of something truly special. We are building more than a physical structure; we are creating a sacred space of healing and encounter on the slopes of Mount Ilaló.
Every contribution, whether monetary through this page, donating your time, materials, or simply sharing this campaign, is a step forward in manifesting this collective dream. Every contribution matters and makes a difference.
If you have the possibility to make a monetary donation, no matter how small, you will be sowing a prayer that will grow and expand in this sacred place, providing healing and love to all who need it. Each donation is an act of generosity that will resonate in the lives of those who find harmony and transformation in the Maloka.
If your contribution is in time and energy, assisting us on the days the work will take place, or perhaps donating the materials we need, your dedication and effort are cornerstones in the construction of this space of light and love. Together, with our hands and hearts united, we will achieve this masterpiece.
Sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and on your social networks is also of great help. Your voice is an echo that can reach far, and with your help, we can reach our goal of $3,000 to make this transformative project a reality.
In the Spirit of AYNI
In the heart of the Andes, we hold a sacred code called AYNI, which encompasses the essence of reciprocity, respect, and honoring the interconnectedness of all life. AYNI teaches us that the act of giving should come before receiving, and it encourages us to value every element of existence, from the gifts of the Earth to the energy shared between individuals. We honor the Great Spirit, Pachamama (Mother Earth), and all beings that share this beautiful planet with us.
The perks we've designed for this crowdfunding campaign are a direct reflection of AYNI. By offering these transformative experiences – retreats, scholarships, and ceremonial blessings – we are embodying the spirit of reciprocity. We believe that by giving before receiving, we create a harmonious exchange with our community and our supporters. We aim to honor the connections we've built and the energy that flows between us.
These perks are not just gifts of gratitude but also opportunities for you to partake in our sacred journey, to experience the teachings of the Andes, and to feel the interconnectedness that AYNI emphasizes. This is our way of living and sharing the essence of AYNI with all those who support our vision of unity, transformation, and healing. Thank you for being a part of our sacred circle and for embodying the spirit of AYNI with us.
We invite you to hold this prayer with us until it manifests in its fullness. Through your support and participation, we are building a legacy of healing, love, and unity that will endure through time.
Together, let us lift prayers, build dreams, and create a space where all can heal and find their way back to the heart.
Thank you for being part of this journey and contributing to the creation of our Maloka!
Thank you for being part of this sacred journey!
In all our relations!
With love and gratitude,
The Dream Team.
⚡️ A message from Soniko:
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your generous support in our crowdfunding campaign to build the sacred "Maloka" on the slopes of Mount Ilaló.
Your belief in our vision and your contribution have brought us closer to making this dream a reality.
We are on the verge of something extraordinary, and we want you to be a part of it. Our dream is to create a sacred space for healing and unity and we need your support.
Today, I want to invite you to take your involvement a step further and become a member of our "Dream Team." This is an opportunity to become an integral part of the journey towards manifesting our shared vision of a space dedicated to healing, unity, and transformation.
As a member of our Dream Team, you will have a unique role in the creation of the "Maloka." Your involvement can take various forms, and we encourage you to choose a level of commitment that resonates with you. Here are some ways you can be part of the Dream Team:
Hands-On Support: If you have the time and the desire to be physically involved in the construction of the Maloka, we would be thrilled to have you join us during the building process. Your hands-on contribution will leave a lasting mark on this sacred space.
Material Donation: If you have access to materials or resources that could aid in the construction, your contribution will be immensely valuable. From building materials to decorative elements, every item makes a difference.
Fundraising Advocate: Use your network and social influence to help us reach our financial goal. You can create a ripple effect by encouraging friends and family to contribute to the campaign.
Spiritual Connection: If you feel a deep connection to the spiritual aspect of this project, your prayers and intentions will help infuse the Maloka with a profound, positive energy.
By becoming a Dream Team member, you will not only be part of the physical creation of the Maloka but also share in the spiritual and emotional journey. We believe that this space will be a beacon of light, healing, and unity, and your involvement will be an integral part of that.
I invite you to think about how you would like to contribute and what resonates most with you. This is a unique opportunity to leave your mark on a project that holds the potential to touch countless lives.
To discuss your role in more detail or for any questions you may have, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at or Whatsapp +1 250 551 0624. Your participation as a Dream Team member would mean the world to us, and we are eager to welcome you with open arms.
Thank you once again for your support and your belief in our vision. Together, we can manifest the sacred Maloka and create a space of healing, unity, and transformation.
With gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead,
Are you ready to make a difference and be a part of something truly special? Join our Dream Team today and let's build a brighter future together!
With gratitude and unity,
Versión en Español
Ayudanos a Construir Nuestra Maloka: Un Espacio Sagrado de Sanación y Encuentro
Levantando rezos. Construyendo sueños.
Siguiendo el camino del corazón y los designios del espíritu, hemos tenido el privilegio de compartir las sagradas medicinas de la tierra durante casi una década en las faldas del volcán Ilaló. Casi mil personas provenientes de 41 nacionalidades diferentes (Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Costa Rica, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Escocia, España, Portugal, Francia, Alemania, Checoslovaquia, Croacia, Lituania, Egipto, Grecia, India, Irán, Arabia Saudí, Italia, Suiza, Rusia, Rumania, Australia, Cuba, Lituania, Marruecos, Paraguay, Suecia, Kuwait) han experimentado un encuentro auténtico y honesto con estas plantas maestras en un contexto ceremonial, recibiendo un acompañamiento terapéutico y profesional.
A lo largo de los años, hemos acogido a nuestros visitantes en campamentos improvisados, utilizando teepees, carpas y lonas. Sin embargo, hoy la vida nos brinda la oportunidad de construir un verdadero templo: una "Maloka", siguiendo la arquitectura tradicional de las casas ceremoniales de medicina, hecha de madera. A través de donaciones de seres queridos y la poda de árboles en riesgo de derrumbe, hemos reunido toda la madera necesaria para este proyecto tan esperado.
La "Maloka" será un espacio sagrado diseñado para albergar grupos de personas, brindándoles la comodidad necesaria para vivir sus procesos de sanación de la mejor manera posible. Nuestra meta es recaudar $5,000 para completar este proyecto significativo, que incluye la estructura, el techado, los servicios higiénicos y los jardines circundantes.
Desde la montaña sagrada Ilaló, hacemos un llamado a todas las direcciones para recibir la contribución amorosa necesaria para plasmar esta casa ceremonial, un espacio de servicio para todos. Únete a nosotros en la construcción de este lugar de sanación y encuentro, donde los corazones se abren y los sueños se hacen realidad. Juntos, levantamos rezos y construimos un futuro más luminoso.
¡Únete a Nuestro Sueño de Unión y Transformación!
Tienes en tus manos la oportunidad de ser parte de algo verdaderamente especial. Estamos construyendo más que una estructura física; estamos erigiendo un espacio sagrado de sanación y encuentro en las faldas del volcán Ilaló.
Cada contribución, ya sea monetaria a través de esta página, donando tu tiempo, materiales o simplemente compartiendo esta campaña, es un paso hacia adelante en la manifestación de este sueño colectivo. Cada aporte suma y marca la diferencia.
Si tienes la posibilidad de ofrecer una donación monetaria, por más pequeña que sea, estarás sembrando un rezo que crecerá y se expandirá en este lugar sagrado, brindando sanación y amor a todos quienes lo necesiten. Cada donación es un acto de generosidad que reverberará en las vidas de quienes encuentren armonia y trasnformación en la Maloka.
Si tu contribución es de tiempo y energía, ayudándonos en los días en los que se realizaran los trabajos, o tal vez donando los materiales que necesitamos, tu dedicación y esfuerzo son piedras angulares en la edificación de este espacio de luz y amor. Juntos, con nuestras manos y corazones unidos, lograremos esta obra maestra.
Si compartes esta campaña con tus amigos, familiares y en tus redes sociales también es de gran ayuda. Tu voz es un eco que puede llegar lejos, y con tu ayuda, podemos alcanzar nuestra meta de $3,000 para hacer realidad este proyecto transformador.
Te invitamos a sostener este rezo con nosotros hasta que se manifieste en toda su plenitud. A través de tu apoyo y participación, estamos construyendo un legado de sanación, amor y unidad que perdurará en el tiempo.
Juntos, levantemos rezos, construyamos sueños y creemos un espacio donde todos puedan sanar y encontrar su camino de vuelta al corazón.
¡Gracias por ser parte de este viaje y contribuir a la creación de nuestra Maloka!
¡Gracias por ser parte de este viaje sagrado!
Con todas mis relaciones!
Con amor y gratitud,
El equipo de ensueño.
We are thrilled to offer you an opportunity to join us in a transformative retreat experience like no other. As a contributor to our crowdfunding campaign, you will have the chance to secure one of only three available spots in a life-changing retreat scheduled for March 2024. This exclusive perk has a value of $3,600 and is a gift from the heart to express our gratitude for your support. During this retreat, you will immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of nature, shamanic practices, and self-discovery. The journey will guide you toward a deeper connection with your inner self and the world around you. This is a unique opportunity to embark on a sacred adventure with like-minded souls in a stunning natural setting. We look forward to sharing this extraordinary experience with you.
As a token of our appreciation for your support, we are excited to offer you one of three available scholarships for our upcoming Shamanic Training Chakana, Level 1, commencing on December 21, 2023. This scholarship, valued at $1,800, will provide you with the opportunity to delve into the ancient wisdom and practices of the Chakana, guided by experienced teachers and shamans. The training will help you develop a deeper understanding of shamanic principles and practices, connecting you with a world of healing and transformation. This is a unique chance to embark on a personal journey of growth and enlightenment. We are honored to have you as a part of this sacred training.
As a contributor to our crowdfunding campaign, we want to invite you to share in the energy and power of our newly constructed Maloka. We are offering you a unique opportunity to attend one of three ceremonies to be held in the Maloka at any time in 2024. Each ceremonial blessing has a value of $360 and will allow you to experience the magic and healing energy of this sacred space. These ceremonies will be led by experienced shamans and guides, providing you with a profound spiritual journey and a deep connection to the energy of the Maloka. It's a chance to be a part of history, as you contribute to the awakening and transformation of this space. We look forward to welcoming you to our Maloka for these special ceremonies.
We are thrilled to offer you an opportunity to join us in a transformative retreat experience like no other. As a contributor to our crowdfunding campaign, you will have the chance to secure one of only three available spots in a life-changing retreat scheduled for March 2024. This exclusive perk has a value of $3,600 and is a gift from the heart to express our gratitude for your support. During this retreat, you will immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of nature, shamanic practices, and self-discovery. The journey will guide you toward a deeper connection with your inner self and the world around you. This is a unique opportunity to embark on a sacred adventure with like-minded souls in a stunning natural setting. We look forward to sharing this extraordinary experience with you.
As a token of our appreciation for your support, we are excited to offer you one of three available scholarships for our upcoming Shamanic Training Chakana, Level 1, commencing on December 21, 2023. This scholarship, valued at $1,800, will provide you with the opportunity to delve into the ancient wisdom and practices of the Chakana, guided by experienced teachers and shamans. The training will help you develop a deeper understanding of shamanic principles and practices, connecting you with a world of healing and transformation. This is a unique chance to embark on a personal journey of growth and enlightenment. We are honored to have you as a part of this sacred training.
As a contributor to our crowdfunding campaign, we want to invite you to share in the energy and power of our newly constructed Maloka. We are offering you a unique opportunity to attend one of three ceremonies to be held in the Maloka at any time in 2024. Each ceremonial blessing has a value of $360 and will allow you to experience the magic and healing energy of this sacred space. These ceremonies will be led by experienced shamans and guides, providing you with a profound spiritual journey and a deep connection to the energy of the Maloka. It's a chance to be a part of history, as you contribute to the awakening and transformation of this space. We look forward to welcoming you to our Maloka for these special ceremonies.
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